Children & Youth

Birth - 3 years
Noah's Corner is a sunny, cheerful learning and play space for our youngest children.

4 yrs - 5th grade Sunday School
The children participate in worship through the children's conversation and then head to their Sunday school class for age appropriate teaching and activity time.

4 yrs - 5th grade Activity Room
The activity room provides a variety of learning style options to help reinforce the Bible lesson of the morning and allows children to self select how they would best like to learn.

Youth Sunday School
11:45 am - 1:30 pm
September - May
Youth who are in 6th grade and older have the option to remain in worship or depart with the younger children after the children's message to help with their Sunday School class. Youth Sunday School includes lunch, conversation time and Bible study.

Youth Activity Space
Our older youth have two dedicated activity spaces for games and a pool table .